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Booster Fuels needed help in staffing it’s on campus fuel drive thrus. Not it’s typical service but they needed to bolster awareness of it’s expanding servicing area for on-demand fuel delivery and to walk new customers through the mobile app for future fueling.

With a week to deploy staff, we built up the staffing levels to match the campus increase throughout the month. Many new app users were signed up daily as well as return users looking to skip the gas station.

Grassroots On-Premise

Mobile App Onboarding
Silicon Valley
On Premise Mobile App Onboarding and Service Trial

Six concurrent locations were staffed for new user onboarding fueling stop throughout Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Booster Fuels drive-thrus were engaged for a month so new campuses could assess the service.

App Based Fueling

Quick turnaround staffing

Booster Fuels asked Sniper Marketing to ramp up staffing as they introduced new fueling stations at tech campuses throughout Silicon Valley to onboard new users. Current Booster Fuels app users received a discount that was still cheaper than the local gas stations.